@article{oai:seirei-univ.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001785, author = {中村, 泰久 and 朝倉, 起己 and 中島, 綾子 and 田中, 伸明 and 簑下, 成子 and 新宮, 尚人 and NAKAMURA, Yasuhisa and ASAKURA, Tatsumi and NAKAJIMA, Ayako and TANAKA, Nobuaki and MINOSHITA, Seiko and SHINGU, Naohito}, journal = {リハビリテーション科学ジャーナル, Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), 本研究は,統合失調症患者の就労関連技能に対し影響を及ぼす要因である認知機能,精神症状の関連性を明らかにすることを目的に仮説モデルを作成し,検討を実施した.対象者57 名に対し基本情報と就労関連技能(LASMI),社会認知機能(NMT,SCSQ),神経認知機能(BACS),全般的機能(GAF)を測定し,就労関連技能と各測定項目間の相関関係を確認した上で構造方程式モデリングを用い解析した.その結果, 就労関連技能へ直接影響を及ぼす因子として,社会認知機能のうち表情認知,原因帰属バイアスの指標である敵意バイアスと全般的機能が抽出された.また就労関連技能に対し,敵意バイアスを介し,他者の心を推測する心の理論と神経認知障害が間接的に影響を及ぼす認知機能間の関係性が明らかになった.本研究で得られた就労関連技能へ影響を及ぼす要因のモデルにより,作業療法士の統合失調症患者に対する就労支援の際,評価と介入において有用であると考えられた., This present study aimed to develop and review a theoretical model with the goal of revealing the relationship among the key factors influencing the work-related abilities of patients with schizophrenia, namely cognitive function and psychiatric symptoms. In total, 57 participants were recruited in the present study. The analyzed measures included standard information, work-related ability, social cognitive function, neurocognitive function, and general function. After confirming the correlation between the work-related ability and each of the measurement items, these were further analyzed using structural equation modeling. As a result, the general function and the social cognitive function elements of facial expression recognition function and hostility bias—an indicator of causal attribution bias—were extracted as factors directly influencing the work-related ability. Furthermore, the relationship between the cognitive functions that were indirectly affected by neurocognitive disorder and the theory of mind for guessing the mental states of others was revealed through the hostility bias. These present findings indicated that this model of the key factors influencing the work-related ability in schizophrenia will be useful for measures of assessment and intervention by occupational therapists when providing employment support for patients with schizophrenia., 研究論文, Original Articles}, pages = {33--46}, title = {統合失調症患者の就労関連技能へ影響を及ぼす要因の検討}, volume = {13}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ナカムラ, ヤスヒサ and アサクラ, タツミ and ナカジマ, アヤコ and タナカ, ノブアキ and ミノシタ, セイコ and シングウ, ナオヒト} }