@article{oai:seirei-univ.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000184, author = {小坂, 美鶴 and KOSAKA, Mitsuru}, journal = {リハビリテーション科学ジャーナル, Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {ADHD は不注意や多動衝動性など行動面の障害が診断の基準となっているが,様々な併存症がある.特に学業の問題は,一生を左右する重要な問題と言える.Google Scholar およびCiNii Articlesでタイトルに ADHD,academic achievement,academic のキーワードのある論文を検索し,29 論文を選定した.その結果,幼少期にADHD と診断された児の追跡調査で学齢期の学業の問題が深刻化することが示された.学業低下の要因としてワーキングメモリーや実行機能の障害,さらに教育環境の問題や動機づけの低下があり,個々の特性を知ることが支援の違いになることが示唆された.ADHD 児の治療では学業成績に対する薬物治療の効果は,評価の客観性の乏しさやサブタイプによる症状の差異などから曖昧であるといった現状が示されている.ADHD 児の学業成績は,環境との関連性があることが明確になり,早期発見とそれに続く医療と教育の連携や家族支援,教育教材の工夫が重要であることが示唆された., The diagnostic criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is behavioral disorders such as inattention and/or hyperactivity–impulsivity that interferes with development. However, there are several comorbidities in ADHD. Most importantly, their cognitive characteristic causes a decline in academic standards. In this study, 29 academic articles related to ADHD were collected and a meta-analysis was performed on academic achievement in children with ADHD. Longitudinal studies revealed a progressive deterioration of their academic achievement during the school age. Factors contributing to the academic decline include impairments of working memory, executive function, educational environment, and decreased motivation. Therefore, each child has different characteristics and should be provided with appropriate support. The efficacy of pharmacological treatments is indeterminate because of deficiencies in the objective evaluation and differences in the symptoms in subtypes. Hence, early discovery and sustained support from the specialized team, family support, and invention of the teaching materials are necessary for each child with ADHD., 総説, Review}, pages = {1--15}, title = {注意欠如・多動性障害児の学業成績の問題と支援方法について}, volume = {19}, year = {2024}, yomi = {コサカ, ミツル} }