@article{oai:seirei-univ.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000186, author = {石川, 響 and 矢倉, 千昭 and ISHIKAWA, Hibiki and YAGURA, Chiaki}, journal = {リハビリテーション科学ジャーナル, Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {〔目的〕本研究の目的は漁業協同組合職員を対象として,筋骨格系症状の発生状況と関連する因子について調査することで,筋骨格系症状の関連因子を明らかにし,予防や改善に寄与することであった. 〔対象と方法〕漁業協同組合に勤務する122 名の職員を対象として,過去12 ヶ月での筋骨格系症状の発生の有無および個人因子,作業因子,心理社会的因子について質問紙調査を行った. 〔結果〕筋骨格系症状の発生状況は,腰(66.4%),肩(52.5%),首(40.2%),の順に発生率が高かった.症状には,喫煙,人間関係のストレス,前かがみになる動作,体を捻る動作,持ち上げる動作,手や指の反復動作が関連していた. 〔結論〕本研究の結果,漁業協同組合職員における筋骨格系症状の発生は,腰,肩,首の順に多く,性別や喫煙,事務作業や重量物の取扱い,水揚げ品の選別といった作業因子,人間関係のストレスと関連していることが示唆された., [Purpose] The purpose of this study was to investigate the occurrence and factors related to musculoskeletal symptoms among workers in the fishery cooperative. [Method] A total of 122 workers participated in the survey that questioned. the occurrence of musculoskeletal symptoms as well as individual factors, work-related factors, and psychosocial factors in the past 12 months. [Result] A total of 66.4%, 52.5%, and 40.2% of the respondents experienced lower back, shoulder, and neck symptoms, respectively. Symptoms were associated with smoking, relationship stress, slouching, twisting, lifting, and repetitive hand and finger movements. [Conclusion] These results suggest that musculoskeletal symptoms among fishery cooperative workers are related to gender, smoking, work factors, and stress within their interpersonal relationships., 研究論文, Original article}, pages = {31--41}, title = {漁業協同組合職員における筋骨格系症状と関連因子の調査}, volume = {19}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ヤグラ, チアキ} }