@article{oai:seirei-univ.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000189, author = {黒崎, 芳子 and 船山, 道隆 and 野村, 昌邦 and 橋本, 竜作 and KUROSAKI, Yoshiko and FUNAYAMA, Michitaka and NOMURA, Masakuni and HASHIMOTO, Ryusaku}, journal = {リハビリテーション科学ジャーナル, Journal of Rehabilitation Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究は,「舌の先現象」(TOT:tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon)で生じる語に対する「知っている」という既知感(FOK:feeling-of-knowing)に注目し,その正確さを健常群及び失語症者で調べた。対象者は,健常群29 例(M=58.5 ± 8.0 歳),失語症者10 例(ウェルニッケ失語2 例,伝導失語3 例,健忘失語5 例)であった。実験は顔写真に対する人名呼称後に,TOT に関する質問が提示された(1.「名前が言えた」;2.「人物を知っている(名前も知っているが),名前が言えない」(TOT 該当);3.「人物を知っているが,名前は知らない」,4.「人物も知らない」)。質問後,写真に対応する名前が文字で提示され,正しい名前を選択することが求められた。この結果,左側頭葉病変例では「知っている」という感覚の判断に不正確さが見られたが,前頭葉および頭頂葉病変例は既知感判断が正確であった。左側側頭葉内側病変例は,既知の名前を未知の名前と判断する傾向を示した。, This study investigates the feeling-of-knowing(FOK)during the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon(TOT),specifically concerning words, comparing its accuracy between a healthy group and individuals with aphasia. Participants included a healthy group(N=29, M=58.5 ± 8.0 years)and ten persons with aphasia(two with Wernicke’s aphasia, three with conduction aphasia, and five with amnesic aphasia). This study investigates the feeling-of-knowing(FOK)during the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon(TOT),specifically concerning words, comparing its accuracy between a healthy group and individuals with aphasia. Participants included a healthy group(N=29, M=58.5 ± 8.0 years)and ten persons with aphasia(two with Wernickes aphasia, three with conduction aphasia, and five with amnesic aphasia).The experiment involved a naming task for face photographs, followed by a question to confirm the TOT status. Participants were asked to choose from the following questions: 1. “I can say the name;” 2. “I knew the person, but I can’t recall the name(TOT);” 3. “I know the person, but I don’t know the name;” 4. “I don’t know that person.” After answering the question, participants selected the character word name corresponding to the photo. As a result, inaccuracy in the judgment of the FOK was observed in cases with left temporal lobe lesions. The judgment of the FOK was accurate in cases of lesions in the frontal and parietal lobes. Notably, two cases of aphasia with lesions in the left medial temporal lobe tended to recognize known names as unknown names., 研究論文, Original article}, pages = {65--76}, title = {失語症者の人名想起における既知感に関する検討}, volume = {19}, year = {2024}, yomi = {クロサキ, ヨシコ and フナヤマ, ミチタカ and ノムラ, マサクニ and ハシモト, リュウサク} }